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Melania to Give Speech on Cyberbullying

Author: Phineas J Rocketdump

Tue Mar 20 2018


WASHINGTON DC - Melania Trump today is giving her first public speech on Cyberbullying. Finally. The meeting Tuesday marks her first public event on the topic, after more than a year of being First Lady.

The primary focus of her speech is to use her husband as an example of how Cyberbullying should be properly done.

Whether it's mocking a disabled reporter in a speech, bashing gold star families, or more usually, simply lashing out on Twitter, Trump has proved to be a master at the art of attacking those with no opportunity to defend themselves. It is a form of art, being able to say whatever you feel like with no fear of repercussions.

Targets include political rivals:


Famous actresses:


The FBI:


Some other great examples are:


Really, if you need more examples, a simple Google Search will provide all you need.

Let us all join the First Lady in support of bringing attention to this very important issue!


#cyberbullying #melania #drumpf
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